Did you know that a personal computer has an estimated useful life of five years and a cellular phone has an approximate lifespan of eighteen months? Every day new devices are being created and their useful life is getting shorter, making them obsolete.


Electronic garbage or “e-waste” refers to the disposal of technological products such as computers, monitors, televisions, video cameras, “DVD’s, audio equipment, stereos, fax machines, photocopiers, telephones, cellular phones and video games, among others. According to the SWA (Solid Waste Authority of Puerto Rico) e-waste is increasing two to three times faster than any other type waste. Electronic equipment may contain significant amounts of hazardous materials that they can remain in the environment for long periods of time and have adverse effects on the human body.


The SWA (Solid Waste Authority of Puerto Rico) offers tips to reduce the growth of electronic garbage and prevent it from contaminating the environment.


Mano con celular ilustración


  • Ask the dealer or manufacturer if they accept used equipment return. (“Take back Dealer / Manufacturer”)
  • Exchange or donate the equipment.
  • Research about equipment leasing.
  • Consider the purchase of refurbished equipment or check if it contains recycled materials.
  • Buy “easy to fix” equipment to increase the efficiency of the product and its recycling capability.


Next time you want to dispose of any electronic equipment considers donating, reusing it or recycling it. Electronics should not be disposed with the rest of the garbage. You can identify any companies that manage this kind of waste and prevent pollution.


For more information you can contact the Solid Waste Authority at:

(787) 765-7575 / (787) 281-1640 or its website: www.ads.pr.gov



By: Tania Mangual-Monzón, MS



Autoridad de Desperdicios Sólidos  – ads.pr.gov

Eco agricultor – ecoagricultor.com